Contributing to the sjkabc project

Getting a copy of the source code

The first step to contributing to sjkabc is to get a copy of the source code. The easiest way of doing this is by using git. Browse the directory you want the source code repository in and run the following command:

$ git clone

Setting up a virtualenv

Now that you’ve got a copy of the source code you can install sjkabc. The most convenient way of doing this is by using a virtual environment. I prefer using virtualenvwrapper for managing my virtual environments, and you probably should too.

I refer you to the virtualenvwrapper documentation for setting up a virtual environment


Please note that sjkabc will only run under python 3, so when creating your virtualenvironment take care to make sure it’ll use python 3. One way of doing this would be using the –python option:

$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3 sjkabc

Installing the development version

Assuming you called your virtual environment sjkabc, the following commands will install the development version of sjkabc in your virtual environment.

$ cd path/to/sjkabc
$ workon sjkabc
$ git checkout develop
$ python develop

Contributing changes

The discussion and work on sjkabc is done through git, GitHub and more specifically GitHub’s issue tracker. The GitHub help website provides information on how to get up and running easily and quickly with git.

Simply clone the sjkabc repository, create a branch off of the develop branch and hack away. When done, publish your branch and create a pull request.


Proposed changes must include suitable tests and modifications to the documentation, if appropriate. If you need help with this, publish your branch and ask! We’ll work on it together.